Cultural Night

Cultural Night (previously International Night) will be held on April 24 from 5-7pm. All volunteers need to be LWSD approved.

To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.

Set Up
4:40pm - 5:00pm
0 out of 4 filled.

Water Table
5:00pm - 6:00pm
0 out of 1 filled.

6:00pm - 7:00pm
0 out of 1 filled.

Cultural Program Volunteers
Volunteers will help manage the students participating in Cultural show. 
5:00pm - 6:00pm
1 out of 3 filled.

Clean Up
7:00pm - 7:30pm
0 out of 4 filled.

Corporate Matching!

Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.

Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.

For information on other companies, go here