Rosa Parks Sustainability Team works on a range of issues, including food recovery, waste reduction, composting, green cleaning, no-idle zones, herbicide-free school, and engaging and supporting students in their efforts to combat climate change and create a livable planet.
The Kids Green Team (KGT) is a leadership opportunity for kids in grades 3rd, 4th and 5th to actively work toward making an impact in our school and community through education, action and collaboration in the application of green initiatives, with the ultimate goal of helping to keep a sustainable and healthy world.
We are looking for parents and students that are willing to participate in monthly meetings scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month at the school from 2:00pm – 3:00 pm.
Participants will have the opportunity to learn and model “green behavior”, plan Earth Week activities (April 22-26) and participate in hands-on activities oriented to apply S.T.E.A.M. concepts in an Earth friendly way.
Parents that are interested to join the green team please send us an email at
Students interested to be part of the Green team need to fill out the application form that each teacher has in the classroom and return it by Monday October, 16th. Our first meeting will be on October 25th.
Let’s go green together!
Congratulations Rosa Parks!
We did it again! Despite having a year of constant changes, one thing was always the same, the interest of our students to learn more and become great leaders. Even though we did not have in-person lessons most of our year, the Green Team Committee worked hard to bring out ideas to share with our students and we had a great Earth Week with lots of student participation! We are a King County Green School Level 1 and one more year, the KCGS has recognized our efforts to reduce waste, take care of our community and look for ways to make our everyday life more sustainable. Thank you and congratulations to all!
Please fill out this end-of-year survey and help us set our priorities for next year! (it should take you less than three minutes) Here is the link: LWPTSA Sustainability Committee Survey (
Summer Green Tips on Water Conservation:
- Brush your teeth without the water on. You can save up to three gallons of water per day if you simply turn the water off as you brush your teeth.
- Shorten your showers. Many people take much longer showers than necessary. Shorten your showers and you will be able to save about 5 gallons per minute
- Put a plastic water bottle in the toilet tank. If you take a plastic bottle, put a few pebbles or rocks in it, fill it with water, and then place it in the back of your toilet, you can save up to 10 gallons of water per day. By placing the bottle in the toilet tank, less water is needed to fill the tank and therefore less water is being flushed. Experiment to see if a 1 or 2 liter bottle fits better and be sure it is not touching the working parts of the toilet.
And always remember: “Less Paper = More Nature”, and “Waste has potential to become life!”
Have a great summer Green Pumas!!!!
In April we celebrated Earth Week! It was a great time to revisit many aspects of how to take care of the earth and finding new uses for old things. Here is a recap of the week!
Also, a huge congratulations to our Sustainability Slogan/Graphic Contest winners:
Primary Level (K-2 ) “Less Paper = More Nature”, Adarsh B. 1st Grade
Intermediate Level (3-5) “Waste has potential to become Life”, Mouktika T. 5th Grade
Questions? Would you like to join our team?
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
Corporate Matching!
Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.
For information on other companies, go here