STEM Adventures |
Would you like to play games with your child during the school day and enrich their academic experience?
STEM Adventures is a PTSA-sponsored program that supports the curriculum taught at Rosa Parks. During the school day, students work in small groups with parent volunteers using a variety of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) games and activities that enrich the skills taught in the classroom. The goal is to encourage our students understanding of STEM beyond arithmetic while experiencing that STEM Is Fun!
You do not need to be gifted in math or understand coding to volunteer for this program! Games and materials will be provided. Come to the Fall Orientation to learn more details about the program.
Fall Orientation: Sept. 17 at 8:50am in the Art Room
(sign in through the front office)
Missed the orientation? View the orientation slideshow here!
Sign up to Volunteer for STEM Adventures here!
If you have any questions, please contact the program chair, Ryan and Madhuri, at
STEM Adventures Website: Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA - STEM Games (
STEM needs your help!
Our website is relocating under the Rosa Parks PTSA website. If you, or someone you know (teenagers welcome), is willing to design and help get our website back in business, please contact for further information.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
Corporate Matching!
Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.
For information on other companies, go here