Kindergarten Back to Games
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Count & Seek Pet House
Category Kinder: Add/Sub
Game Rules: Here
These pets are “counting” on you for care. Count, add and subtract your way around the house, gathering items your pet needs. The fastest owner wins. Activity Guide offers 4 levels of challenge.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Head Full of Numbers
Category Kinder: Add/Sub
Game Rules: Here
Head Full of Numbers works out really well for this age. It is a great game for working with A/S/M/D/< and >. Using the two-minute hour glass timer in the game, the students try to create as many equations as they can from the six numbers that are rolled. The students seemed to understand the game pretty well and enjoyed it. There seemed to be a pretty distinct math skill levels within the students and this game accommodated all three very well.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 2
Name: Quizmo Integers Add & Sub
Category Kinder: Add/Sub
Game Rules:
Develop and strengthen memory skills of sums and/or differences through 9 + 9 and/or 18 – 9.
Develop computational skills for addition and/or subtraction facts; Develop and promote cooperative learning.
Features two games in one Designed to reinforce and develop memory skills for basic addition and subtraction facts so necessary for success in elementary mathematics
The enjoyable “bingo”-style format can be played in either an individual, competitive manner or in cooperative teams competing against one another
Offers multiple levels of difficulty; Great for small groups or whole class participation and is perfect for home school environments.
Develop computational skills for addition and/or subtraction facts; Develop and promote cooperative learning.
Features two games in one Designed to reinforce and develop memory skills for basic addition and subtraction facts so necessary for success in elementary mathematics
The enjoyable “bingo”-style format can be played in either an individual, competitive manner or in cooperative teams competing against one another
Offers multiple levels of difficulty; Great for small groups or whole class participation and is perfect for home school environments.
# of players: 36
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 3
Name: Sum Swamp
Category Kinder: Add/Sub
Game Rules: Here
Sum Swamp Addition & Subtraction Game Ages 4 and Up – Venture over the crocodile shortcut and through the swamp to the finish by adding and subtracting numbers on the dice. – Includes 17″ x 12″ game board four swamp creature game pieces two number dice and an operation die.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 6
Location: Cabinet 4
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Code and Go Robot Mouse
Category Kinder: Coding
Game Rules:
Teach youngsters basic programming concepts with the Code and Go Robot Mouse Activity Set from Learning Resources. Use the included grid, walls and tunnels to construct a path for the mouse to follow, and use the colorful buttons on the mouse’s back to program him to turn, light up, make sounds, speed up, slow down and more. Includes 30 double-sided coding cards and 10 double-sided activity cards with step-by-step instructions for a variety of programming challenges.
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Robot Turtles
Category Kinder: Coding
Game Rules: Here
Players dictate the movements of their Robot Turtle tokens on a game board by playing Code Cards: Forward, Left and Right. When a player’s Robot Turtle reaches a jewel they win! If they make a mistake, they can use a Bug Card to undo a move. The game has many levels so, as the players advance, they will encounter obstacles like Ice Walls and use more complex Code Cards (like lasers to melt the walls). Play continues until all players collect a jewel, so everyone wins.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 3
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: 3-in-a-row Addition
Category Kinder: Counting
Game Rules:
Our fast-paced partner game is perfect for reinforcing addition—and the game mats gradually increase in difficulty, so children can practice at just the right level. Students just spin the built-in spinner on their game mat to select two numbers…find the answer…then cover the answer with a chip!
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Buggo
Category Kinder: Counting
Game Rules: Here
Turn all of the bug tiles face down to form a sandbox of hidden bugs. The first player draws a card from the deck that indicates how many bugs they need to find. If you need to find three bugs for example, begin turning over bug tiles until you’ve found three bugs, and keep the tiles you’ve turned over. You can also stop after you’ve found less than three bugs and in this case, also get to keep the tiles you’ve turned over so far. If you decided to keep going and end up finding more than three bugs – or if you turn over a Buggo the spider tile, you don’t collect any bug tiles on this turn and must return whatever you’ve turned over so it is face down where you found it. Each bug tile you collect is worth a point, and the player with the most points wins.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Count & Seek Pet House
Category Kinder: Counting
Game Rules: Here
These pets are “counting” on you for care. Count, add and subtract your way around the house, gathering items your pet needs. The fastest owner wins. Activity Guide offers 4 levels of challenge.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Dinosaur Escape
Category Kinder: Counting
Game Rules: Here
Dinosaur Escape is the award-winning game where kids help the three dinosaurs escape from a volcano threatening to erupt. Players work together to get all three dinosaurs safely to Dinosaur Island; if they are successful everyone wins!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 2
Name: Hiss
Category Kinder: Counting
Game Rules: Here
As each Hisss snake slithers its way across the playing area it introduces color identification and visual logic: Does it make sense to have a snake with two tails and no head? Are those two colors the same or not? Even elementary counting skills come into play during scoring at the end of the game. HOW TO PLAY: In this simple, elegant card game, players match colors and and make snakes from heads to tails. Long snakes, short snakes, purple, yellow and rainbow snakes. Finish a snake and add it to your snake pit. The player with the most snakes at the end of the game wins.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 6
Location: Cabinet 2
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Frog Pond Fraction
Category Kinder: Fractions
Game Rules:
Croak the frog teaches the beginning concepts of fractions, and the relationship of parts to wholes. Game promotes quick play and offers hands-on learning with solid foam fraction pieces. Multiple skill levels can play together; game adapts as skills progress.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 2
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Batik
Category Kinder: Geometry
Game Rules: Here
Drop shapes into a frame to make abstract art, but make sure your piece will fit!
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Blokus Trigon
Category Kinder: Geometry
Game Rules:
Fit all your tiles onto the board while blocking your neighbor into a corner.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Blink
Category Kinder: Matching
Game Rules: Here
Compete to clear your hand by matching cards by color, count, or symbol.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 9
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Name: Catch the Match
Category Kinder: Matching
Game Rules: Here
A pattern recognition game. There are 15 large, sturdy cards depicting an array of various objects such as kites, balls, pencils, fish, etc. Each card shows the same 15 objects, but the objects are all different colors and are in different locations. Any two cards always have one and only one object that is identical. Be the first to find this object!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 drawers
Name: Dinosaur Escape
Category Kinder: Matching
Game Rules: Here
Dinosaur Escape is the award-winning game where kids help the three dinosaurs escape from a volcano threatening to erupt. Players work together to get all three dinosaurs safely to Dinosaur Island; if they are successful everyone wins!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 2
Name: Hiss
Category Kinder: Matching
Game Rules: Here
As each Hisss snake slithers its way across the playing area it introduces color identification and visual logic: Does it make sense to have a snake with two tails and no head? Are those two colors the same or not? Even elementary counting skills come into play during scoring at the end of the game. HOW TO PLAY: In this simple, elegant card game, players match colors and and make snakes from heads to tails. Long snakes, short snakes, purple, yellow and rainbow snakes. Finish a snake and add it to your snake pit. The player with the most snakes at the end of the game wins.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 6
Location: Cabinet 2
Name: Latice
Category Kinder: Matching
Game Rules:
Match tiles by color or shape. Match on two, three, or four sides to earn extra moves. Use wind tiles to shift other tiles on the board and get ahead. Win by being the first player to play all your tiles.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 2
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Dinosaur Escape
Category Kinder: Memory
Game Rules: Here
Dinosaur Escape is the award-winning game where kids help the three dinosaurs escape from a volcano threatening to erupt. Players work together to get all three dinosaurs safely to Dinosaur Island; if they are successful everyone wins!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 2
Number Sense
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Cards (decks)
Category Kinder: Number Sense
Game Rules:
Basic Playing cards
Picture: Here
# of players: 52
# sets : 10
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Name: Dirty Feet
Category Kinder: Number Sense
Game Rules:
Start off on the right “foot” with measurement! Step into the wacky world of Dirty Feet, where learning to measure is neat! Players roll the silly feet and inch dice, add up their length, and then race to find a matching combination of cards in their hand. Zany action cards help players change their roll’s value, adding to the fast-paced fun. As players make matches, they collect corresponding inch tokens, then convert them to feet and yard tokens when they’ve accumulated enough. But, be careful — don’t roll two dirty feet, or you’ll lose tokens!
Picture: Here
# of players: 6
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 2
Name: Number Chase
Category Kinder: Number Sense
Game Rules: Here
Figure out the mystery number that has been chosen before your opponents do! One at time, each of the other players try to guess the number. If the guess is wrong, the number is turned over to reveal question, and the answer will be clue to help out the other players. If the guess is correct, the player receives that number card as point. Can you chase down the correct number first?
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Name: Racko
Category Kinder: Number Sense
Game Rules:
Each player is dealt 10 cards. Place cards in your rack, starting at the 50 slot, and then down in order all the way to the 5 slot. Turn over top card from the stockpile. Draw cards, in turn, exchanging for cards in your rack. To go “Rack-O” a player must have all ten cards in their rack from a low card in the #5 slot to a high card in the #50 slot.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 3
Name: Uno
Category Kinder: Number Sense
Game Rules:
Players race to empty their hands and catch opposing players with cards left in theirs, which score points. In turns, players attempt to play a card by matching its color, number, or word to the topmost card on the discard pile. If unable to play, players draw a card from the draw pile, and if still unable to play, they pass their turn. Wild and special cards spice things up a bit.
# of players: 10
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Blokus Trigon
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules:
Fit all your tiles onto the board while blocking your neighbor into a corner.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Blokus
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules: Here
Fit your tiles on a shared board with not enough space for everyone.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 6
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Count & Seek Pet House
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules: Here
These pets are “counting” on you for care. Count, add and subtract your way around the house, gathering items your pet needs. The fastest owner wins. Activity Guide offers 4 levels of challenge.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Name: Dinosaur Escape
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules: Here
Dinosaur Escape is the award-winning game where kids help the three dinosaurs escape from a volcano threatening to erupt. Players work together to get all three dinosaurs safely to Dinosaur Island; if they are successful everyone wins!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 2
Name: Gobblet Jr.
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules: Here
Gobblet Junior plays just like Tic-Tac-Toe except that you can gobble up your opponent and move your pieces around the board. Be the first to line up three pieces in a row, and win. Fun, strategy, memory and surprise are always part of the game.
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 11
Location: Cabinet 2
Name: Mancala
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules:
To start, place all the animals in the pockets of the board. When it's your turn, choose a pocket and scoop up all the animals in it, then drop them back into the pockets one-by-one as you circle the board. With just a few easy rules to follow, the object is to collect the most animals by the end of the game.
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 3
Name: Quoridor
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules: Here
Quoridor is played on a game board of 81 square spaces (9×9). Each player is represented by a pawn which begins at the center space of one edge of the board (in a two-player game, the pawns begin opposite each other). The objective is to be the first player to move their pawn to any space on the opposite side of the gameboard from which it begins.
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 6
Location: Cabinet 3
Name: Robot Turtles
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules: Here
Players dictate the movements of their Robot Turtle tokens on a game board by playing Code Cards: Forward, Left and Right. When a player’s Robot Turtle reaches a jewel they win! If they make a mistake, they can use a Bug Card to undo a move. The game has many levels so, as the players advance, they will encounter obstacles like Ice Walls and use more complex Code Cards (like lasers to melt the walls). Play continues until all players collect a jewel, so everyone wins.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 3
Name: Rush Hour
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules:
Rush Hour is the classic traffic jam logic game and one of the all-time most popular STEM toys and gifts for boys and girls ages 8 and up Contains 40 challenges from beginner to expert, a game grid, cars, and a game-go storage bag
Picture: Here
# of players: 1
# sets : 10
Location: Cabinet 3
Name: Uno
Category Kinder: Strategy
Game Rules:
Players race to empty their hands and catch opposing players with cards left in theirs, which score points. In turns, players attempt to play a card by matching its color, number, or word to the topmost card on the discard pile. If unable to play, players draw a card from the draw pile, and if still unable to play, they pass their turn. Wild and special cards spice things up a bit.
# of players: 10
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category Kinder
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Name: Dinosaur Escape
Category Kinder: Teamwork
Game Rules: Here
Dinosaur Escape is the award-winning game where kids help the three dinosaurs escape from a volcano threatening to erupt. Players work together to get all three dinosaurs safely to Dinosaur Island; if they are successful everyone wins!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 2
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