4th Grade Back to Games
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: 3-in-a-row Division
Game Rules:
Our fast-paced partner game is perfect for reinforcing division—and the game mats gradually increase in difficulty, so children can practice at just the right level. Students just spin the built-in spinner on their game mat to select two numbers…find the quotient…then cover the answer with a chip!
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Conceptual Bingo
Game Rules:
Bingo style game reviewing fractions as decimals and percentages.
Picture: Here
# of players: 36
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 4 drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Discount
Game Rules:
Players gain real-life experience with finding the discounted sale price of items. Practice translating among fractions, decimals, percentages and fractional discounts. Players use a calculator to round the amount saved and make correct payments and change
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 2
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Flip 4
Game Rules: Here
Easy to learn, challenging to play and great for the whole family, Flip 4 perfectly combines math and strategy. Roll the dice then add, subtract or multiply the numbers to land on board squares. The real fun starts when you “flip” an opponent out of the game!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 2
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Galaxy Raiders
Game Rules: Rules
Galaxy Raiders is a strategic board game where players become Commander Generals of their space fleets, exploring and capturing moons and planets. The goal is to be the first to capture moons and a set number of planets by solving math problems associated with each planet board. Players roll dice to move their pegs, and the first to solve a problem claims the planet or moon.
In Galaxy Raiders, players are in charge of finding and capturing new planets and moons.
Place the hexagonal boards in the center. Each hexagonal board has one planet and 4 moons on it. Yhere are two numbers in each half of the planet and one number in every moon.
In Galaxy Raiders, players are in charge of finding and capturing new planets and moons.
Place the hexagonal boards in the center. Each hexagonal board has one planet and 4 moons on it. Yhere are two numbers in each half of the planet and one number in every moon.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: I Have, Who Has Grades 3-4
Game Rules:
I Have Who Has games are an engaging way to practice and reinforce math skills with the whole class or in small groups. These fast-paced card games are perfect for developing fluency with basic facts for use as a quick assessment of students’ understanding as a center activity or for a whole-class review. One player starts by reading his or her “Who has” question. All players look at their cards. The player with the correct answer responds with their “I have” answer followed by their “Who has” question. Play continues until the sequence returns to the first player. Each game includes 36 sturdy laminated cards measuring 3.5″ x 5″ and an answer key. Provides practice with multiplication facts up to 16.
Picture: Here
# of players: 36
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 2
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Krypto
Game Rules:
56 card deck: goal is to use five randomly selected cards, each with a number on it, then use all 5 numbers plus the 4 basic math operations — in any order — to arrive at the number on a randomly-selected answer card
Picture: Here
# of players: 10
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Math Noodlers Grades 4-5
Game Rules: Here
Includes a variety of cards with math problems to solve. Concepts include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement, graphing, money and time for comprehensive match instruction.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Mathological Liar Grade 4/3
Game Rules:
In Each Round, Players Read About A Crime Committed, And Each Player Receives A Suspect's Alibi. If the math is correct, the alibi checks out. When the math is incorrect, you've found the suspect. Best for Grade 3 even though is states grade 4.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Mathological Liar Grade 5/4
Game Rules:
In Each Round, Players Read About A Crime Committed, And Each Player Receives A Suspect's Alibi. If the math is correct, the alibi checks out. When the math is incorrect, you've found the suspect. Best for Grade 4 even though is states grade 5.
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Number Rings
Game Rules:
Combine the 3 dice in any way to capture your numbered posts! 89 plastic rings in 4 colors, 3 dice, 4 trays, 1 game board.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Pop to Win - 4th Grade
Game Rules:
Perfect for demonstrating understanding of math concepts, plus extra practice and review, our action-packed math game lets children develop essential skills as they play! This game features 75 questions based on key math standards, including plotting fractions on a number line, rounding, calculating perimeters, solving word problems, telling time and more. Children just draw a card and solve the problem…then pop the popper to move around the game board!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Proof
Game Rules:
Draw 9 cards, make an equation, shout the answer, show your proof.
# of players: 6
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Quizmo Money
Game Rules:
This bingo-style game strengthens arithmetic skills. Requires no reading. The leader reads problems aloud, and players compute the answer to find the solution on the playing cards.
# of players: 40
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Quizmo Multiplication & Division
Game Rules:
This bingo-style game strengthens arithmetic skills. Requires no reading. The leader reads problems aloud, and players compute the answer to find the solution on the playing cards. Contains 40 double-sided game cards (7″ x 5″), 105 double-sided equation cards, and markers.
Picture: Here
# of players: 40
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Rat-a-tat Cat
Game Rules:
With Rat-a-Tat Cat, a poker face is just one of the skills players need to perfect. As in poker, luck, skill, strategy, and intuition each play a part. Players are dealt four cards, which are kept face- down, except for a quick peek at two of them. Each player in turn pulls a card from the draw pile to replace one of the four. Memory is important, as the object is to end with the lowest score, and players must keep track of the values on their four cards. “Peek,” “Swap,” and “Draw Two” Power cards turn up occasionally, allowing players to maneuver and strategize further. Delightfully witty pictures of cats (the good guys–low points) and rats (bad guys–high points) illustrate each of the 54 cards. Young card sharks will develop a sense of timing and greater ease with numbers, and can begin to grasp the concept of probability.
Picture: Here
# of players: 6
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Sumoku
Game Rules: Here
Sumoku is a unique crossword-style game with numbers. Whether you are looking for a fast-paced challenge with friends, a solo brain building pastime, or an addictive math game that brings the whole family together, Sumoku has it all. It can be played five different ways! Just add up tiles to multiples of the number shown on the die, connect them all together, and you have a Sumoku!
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Totally Tut
Game Rules:
Using the triangle pieces, you have:
1. To write correct math operations : addition / subtraction
2. To fill in your pyramid on the board
1. To write correct math operations : addition / subtraction
2. To fill in your pyramid on the board
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Name: Zeus On the Loose
Game Rules: Here
Catch Zeus if you can! The great Greek god has bolted from Mount Olympus and it’s up to you to nab this dashing deity. Play cards strategically, adding numbers as you climb up the mythic mountain. Grab Zeus when the total reaches a multiple of 10. Better yet, summon the strength of Apollo, Poseidon, or all-powerful Hera to bring Zeus within your grasp. Reach the top of Mount Olympus with Zeus in hand and you’re a mortal among the gods.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: A/S/M/D
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Code Monkey Island
Game Rules: Here
As the wise leader of your own tribe of monkeys, it’s up to you to guide all three of your monkeys safely around the board and into the banana grove. You’ll have to use concepts like conditional statements, looping, booleans, assignment operators and more to earn moves for your monkeys, dodge quicksand traps, and score some delicious fruit along the way!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Coding
Name: Ozobot & Materials
Game Rules:
Control Bit with colors! Draw OzoCode color codes on paper or a tablet and Bit uses optical sensors to respond—spinning, speeding up and more at your command. The Starter Pack comes with an OzoCode chart and over 20 games and activities. Bit is teacher-recommended and is used in coding and STEM curricula in 2,000 schools nationwide.
Picture: Here
# of players: 1
# sets : 9
Location: Cabinet 4
Category 4th: Coding
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Quizmo Fraction Decimals
Game Rules:
Build an understanding of the relationship between fractions and decimals. A fun game based on the classic Quizmo® format: 36 double-sided playing cards, 2 levels of play
Picture: Here
# of players: 36
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Decimals
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Step Right Up
Game Rules:
Experience the midway’s marvels. Ride the Ferris wheel and try your hand at guessing the size and value of objects. Mystery decoder reveals the answer. Attempt level 2 play for a greater estimation skills challenge. Includes 80 question cards and Activity Guide.
# of players: 4
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 4
Category 4th: Estimation
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Dominoes - Fractions
Game Rules:
This novel twist on dominoes engages children as they learn fractions. Set of 36 double-sided domino cards shows numeric and visual representation of wholes, halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and eighths.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Fractions
Name: Fracto
Game Rules: Rules
Fracto is a fun and educational 3-in-1 card game that helps players learn and master fraction concepts. In the jungle, animals demand fair resource distribution, but stronger ones take more than the weak. Players take turns placing fraction cards face-up and comparing fractions; the player with the larger fraction takes both cards.
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4
Category 4th: Fractions
Name: Math Noodlers Grades 4-5
Game Rules: Here
Includes a variety of cards with math problems to solve. Concepts include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement, graphing, money and time for comprehensive match instruction.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Fractions
Name: Pizza Fraction
Game Rules: Here
Time to make a pizza! This clever game teaches fraction concepts and skills using slices of pizza to identify fraction denominations. Children play seven different games to practice identifying fractions, matching fraction equivalents and performing fraction addition and subtraction by building pizzas. Fraction values include 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/9, 1/12 and 1/16. Game includes 13 double-sided pizzas (only one side identifies the fractions), three double-sided spinners for different levels of learning and one spinner arrow. Whole pizzas measures 10-3/4″ in diameter.
Picture: Here
# of players: 6
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Fractions
Name: Quizmo Fraction Decimals
Game Rules:
Build an understanding of the relationship between fractions and decimals. A fun game based on the classic Quizmo® format: 36 double-sided playing cards, 2 levels of play
Picture: Here
# of players: 36
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Fractions
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Batik
Game Rules: Here
Drop shapes into a frame to make abstract art, but make sure your piece will fit!
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Geometry
Name: Blokus Trigon
Game Rules:
Fit all your tiles onto the board while blocking your neighbor into a corner.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Geometry
Name: Blokus
Game Rules: Here
Fit your tiles on a shared board with not enough space for everyone.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 6
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Geometry
Name: Geogems - polygons
Game Rules:
Discover the gems in 2-D shapes! Players develop fluency in naming and identifying the properties of six types of triangles; seven classes of quadrilaterals; plus pentagons, hexagons, and octagons. Builds geometric literacy through the use of words such as congruent, parallel, perpendicular, obtuse, acute, isosceles, equilateral, etc. Two name card sets and four property card sets offer progressive levels of play. Unique game board and moves multiply interest. Covers much of 2-D geometry content in state and national standards.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 2
Category 4th: Geometry
Name: Geogems - solids
Game Rules:
Mine the nuggets in 3-D shapes! Players develop skill in naming and identifying the properties of five kinds of prisms; three kinds of pyramids; plus spheres, hemispheres, cylinders, and cones displayed in different orientations. Includes two name card sets and four different property card sets that address vertices, faces, edges, bases, angles, parallel/perpendicular relationships, and rolling patterns. Deals with much of the 3-D geometry curriculum in state and national standards.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 2
Category 4th: Geometry
Name: Quizmo Geometry
Game Rules:
This bingo-style game strengthens arithmetic skills. Requires no reading. The leader reads problems aloud, and players compute the answer to find the solution on the playing cards. Contains 40 double-sided game cards (7″ x 5″), 105 double-sided equation cards, and markers.
Picture: Here
# of players: 36
# sets : 1
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Geometry
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Blink
Game Rules: Here
Compete to clear your hand by matching cards by color, count, or symbol.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 9
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Matching/Patterns
Name: Code Monkey Island
Game Rules: Here
As the wise leader of your own tribe of monkeys, it’s up to you to guide all three of your monkeys safely around the board and into the banana grove. You’ll have to use concepts like conditional statements, looping, booleans, assignment operators and more to earn moves for your monkeys, dodge quicksand traps, and score some delicious fruit along the way!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Matching/Patterns
Name: Presto Change-O
Game Rules:
This Educational Insights educational board game for kids, developed for kids in third grade or above, won the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award. Game players move around a magic-themed game board filled with real-life scenarios, including working a lemonade stand, spending money at the movies, and more. Financial responsibility is an important skill and one not easily taught to children. This game teaches children about everyday financial decisions in a fun and entertaining way. Kids practice math and counting skills by making change and learn the consequences of saving and spending in a safe environment. Save $10 first to win! The game includes a game board, dice, game pawns, markers, realistic bills and coins, and Activity Guide and 2-4 players can participate.
# of players: 4
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Matching/Patterns
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Discount
Game Rules:
Players gain real-life experience with finding the discounted sale price of items. Practice translating among fractions, decimals, percentages and fractional discounts. Players use a calculator to round the amount saved and make correct payments and change
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 2
Category 4th: Money
Name: Math Noodlers Grades 4-5
Game Rules: Here
Includes a variety of cards with math problems to solve. Concepts include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement, graphing, money and time for comprehensive match instruction.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Money
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Discount
Game Rules:
Players gain real-life experience with finding the discounted sale price of items. Practice translating among fractions, decimals, percentages and fractional discounts. Players use a calculator to round the amount saved and make correct payments and change
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 2
Category 4th: Percentages
Name: Dominoes - Percentage
Game Rules:
This novel twist on dominoes engages children as they learn percentages. Set of 36 double-sided domino cards shows numeric and visual representation.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Percentages
Place Value
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Quizmo Place Value
Game Rules:
36 double-sided game boards featuring numerals through the hundreds place on Side A and through the millions on Side B. Includes 70 double-sided calling cards, plastic markers and instructional guide.
Picture: Here
# of players: 36
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Place Value
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Cards (decks)
Game Rules:
Basic Playing cards
Picture: Here
# of players: 52
# sets : 10
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: STEM
Name: Rush Hour
Game Rules:
Rush Hour is the classic traffic jam logic game and one of the all-time most popular STEM toys and gifts for boys and girls ages 8 and up Contains 40 challenges from beginner to expert, a game grid, cars, and a game-go storage bag
Picture: Here
# of players: 1
# sets : 10
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: STEM
Name: Snap Circuits
Game Rules: Here
Create Working Electronic Circuits
Picture: Here
# of players: 1
# sets : 14
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: STEM
Name: Valence
Game Rules:
TEACH CHEMISTRY THE FUN WAY: If your kids are too young for the lab, but you want to get across basic and advanced chemistry concepts, nothing beats Valence. It’s all here – from molecule formation, to acids and bases, to chemical reactions. Valence helps you meet STEM learning goals and is the ideal teaching tool for engaging both high achieving students and those struggling with chemistry concepts.
# of players: 5
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: STEM
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Abalone
Game Rules:
The board consists of 61 circular spaces arranged in a hexagon, five on a side. Each player has 14 marbles that rest in the spaces and are initially arranged as shown below, at left. Play alternates between the players one move at a time, with the black marbles moving first. For each move, a player moves a line of one, two or three marbles one space. The move can be either broadside (parallel to the line of marbles) or in-line (serial in respect to the line of marbles), as illustrated at below.
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 9
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Blokus Trigon
Game Rules:
Fit all your tiles onto the board while blocking your neighbor into a corner.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Blokus
Game Rules: Here
Fit your tiles on a shared board with not enough space for everyone.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 6
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Code Monkey Island
Game Rules: Here
As the wise leader of your own tribe of monkeys, it’s up to you to guide all three of your monkeys safely around the board and into the banana grove. You’ll have to use concepts like conditional statements, looping, booleans, assignment operators and more to earn moves for your monkeys, dodge quicksand traps, and score some delicious fruit along the way!
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 1
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Mancala
Game Rules:
To start, place all the animals in the pockets of the board. When it's your turn, choose a pocket and scoop up all the animals in it, then drop them back into the pockets one-by-one as you circle the board. With just a few easy rules to follow, the object is to collect the most animals by the end of the game.
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 7
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Octiles
Game Rules: Here
Like Chinese checkers, the aim of Octiles is for each player to get his or her pieces to the opposite side of the board. What makes Octiles different is the way players create paths and mazes as they try to stop opponents from making progress.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Organ Attack
Game Rules:
The main objective of the game is to remove your opponent’s organs before they get the chance to remove yours. Players must use immunity, affliction, and other tactical cards to protect themselves while inflicting disease and bodily harm on their opponents. The last remaining player with at least one organ wins the game!
Picture: Here
# of players: 6
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Othello
Game Rules: Here
Use cunning tactics to outwit your opponent with the Othello Board Game. In this classic fast-paced strategy game, you must try to trap your rival’s playing pieces and turn them over. The lead can change at any moment with a flip of a disk and the player with the most pieces of the same colour wins.
Picture: Here
# of players: 2
# sets : 8
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Presto Change-O
Game Rules:
This Educational Insights educational board game for kids, developed for kids in third grade or above, won the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award. Game players move around a magic-themed game board filled with real-life scenarios, including working a lemonade stand, spending money at the movies, and more. Financial responsibility is an important skill and one not easily taught to children. This game teaches children about everyday financial decisions in a fun and entertaining way. Kids practice math and counting skills by making change and learn the consequences of saving and spending in a safe environment. Save $10 first to win! The game includes a game board, dice, game pawns, markers, realistic bills and coins, and Activity Guide and 2-4 players can participate.
# of players: 4
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Rat-a-tat Cat
Game Rules:
With Rat-a-Tat Cat, a poker face is just one of the skills players need to perfect. As in poker, luck, skill, strategy, and intuition each play a part. Players are dealt four cards, which are kept face- down, except for a quick peek at two of them. Each player in turn pulls a card from the draw pile to replace one of the four. Memory is important, as the object is to end with the lowest score, and players must keep track of the values on their four cards. “Peek,” “Swap,” and “Draw Two” Power cards turn up occasionally, allowing players to maneuver and strategize further. Delightfully witty pictures of cats (the good guys–low points) and rats (bad guys–high points) illustrate each of the 54 cards. Young card sharks will develop a sense of timing and greater ease with numbers, and can begin to grasp the concept of probability.
Picture: Here
# of players: 6
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Rumis
Game Rules:
Rumis is a challenging strategy game that hones spatial awareness and critical thinking skills as kids try to build structures and outwit opponents. Rumis means “stones” and the game is inspired by Inca architecture. Players build using 1 piece (stone) at a time. Strategically place your stone to prevent opponents from advancing. At the end, the player with the most stones visible from above wins.
# of players: 4
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Spectrangle
Game Rules:
The challenge lies in combining colors to score points. The colors swirl across the board and the stones seem so easy to place. But you must choose where to put them. Where will they score points? Where will they score the MOST points? Plan ahead, combine, grab the bonus and... score big! The game is even more exciting and unpredictable if SPECTRANGLE is played in teams.
# of players: 8
# sets : 3
Location: Cabinet 4
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Sumoku
Game Rules: Here
Sumoku is a unique crossword-style game with numbers. Whether you are looking for a fast-paced challenge with friends, a solo brain building pastime, or an addictive math game that brings the whole family together, Sumoku has it all. It can be played five different ways! Just add up tiles to multiples of the number shown on the die, connect them all together, and you have a Sumoku!
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Sushi Go
Game Rules:
In the super-fast sushi card game Sushi Go!, you are eating at a sushi restaurant and trying to grab the best combination of sushi dishes as they whiz by. Score points for collecting the most sushi rolls or making a full set of sashimi. Dip your favorite nigiri in wasabi to triple its value! And once you've eaten it all, finish your meal with all the pudding you've got! But be careful which sushi you allow your friends to take; it might be just what they need to beat you!
# of players: 5
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Three of a Crime
Game Rules:
Calling all detectives! A gang of thieves has just been nabbed, but only three members actually committed the crime. Using keen eyes, quick thinking and deduction, try to figure out who’s part of the guilty trio. Was it Loose-Eye Lenny, Kid Cassidy and Pencil Top? Or was it Louie St. Louis, Jonny Cortex and No Neck Nick? The first to name the right three suspects is the master sleuth.
# of players: 6
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Tip the Scale
Game Rules:
Tip the Scale is the game of weights and balances! Test your balancing ability with this fun and fast-paced game where you must balance “Tipsy the Scale” with various objects in your hand. Add a Bowling Ball to one side and a Bushel of Apples and a Rooster to the other to make 11 pounds on each side. Balance the objects and collect the cards, or otherwise add an object and let the next player try. But watch out for the “Tip the Scale” card that will tip all of the cards back into your hand.
# of players: 5
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Uno
Game Rules:
Players race to empty their hands and catch opposing players with cards left in theirs, which score points. In turns, players attempt to play a card by matching its color, number, or word to the topmost card on the discard pile. If unable to play, players draw a card from the draw pile, and if still unable to play, they pass their turn. Wild and special cards spice things up a bit.
# of players: 10
# sets : 5
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Strategy
Name: Zeus On the Loose
Game Rules: Here
Catch Zeus if you can! The great Greek god has bolted from Mount Olympus and it’s up to you to nab this dashing deity. Play cards strategically, adding numbers as you climb up the mythic mountain. Grab Zeus when the total reaches a multiple of 10. Better yet, summon the strength of Apollo, Poseidon, or all-powerful Hera to bring Zeus within your grasp. Reach the top of Mount Olympus with Zeus in hand and you’re a mortal among the gods.
Picture: Here
# of players: 5
# sets : 4
Location: Cabinet 4 Drawers
Category 4th: Strategy
Game Rules
# of players
# sets
Category 4th
Name: Math Noodlers Grades 4-5
Game Rules: Here
Includes a variety of cards with math problems to solve. Concepts include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement, graphing, money and time for comprehensive match instruction.
Picture: Here
# of players: 4
# sets : 2
Location: Cabinet 3
Category 4th: Time
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- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
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- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
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