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 PTSA STEM Enrichment team is offering free optional STEM-focused activities for students to do at home.

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Calling all Puma artists to take part in Reflections and showcase their creativity! 


Reflections is a yearly nationwide PTSA sponsored event. 


This year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfections”.



What is Reflections?

Reflections is a national arts competition offered through the PTSA.  Students enter a piece of art that goes through a judging process with the potential to advance to the Council, State, and National levels. You can also learn more about Reflection here.


How does it work?

Participating students can submit their original work of art in one or more of 6 mediums.  Submitted works will be evaluated based on Entries are judged on creative ability and interpretation of the theme by student level: Primary (Pre-school - Grade 2) Intermediate (Grades 3 – 5) levels or Accessible Art Division.  10 selected works from Rosa Parks will be submitted to compete at district level, with potential to advance to state, and national competitions.   


What are the Art Categories?  

Click the links below to review guidelines for each category.


Who can participate? 

Any student registered with Rosa Parks Elementary.

Parents can NOT help create the artwork. The only help parents can provide is in purchasing the supplies. In the last few years, judges disqualified several entries due to suspected parent help. 


Where do I submit my student’s work? 

Please fill out this form. Then submit the form and work here or email them to by Oct. 27th.


Questions / Concerns? 

For more information visit the Washington State PTA site.

For questions email Rosa Parks PTSA:





Entry Form information:
Local PTA Name: Rosa Parks PTA

Local PTA ID: 2.8.43
National PTA ID #: 0 0 3 8 7 7 5 7
Local Reflections Chair Name: Pavithra Gopal & Emily Burger
Local Reflections Chair Email:
Council PTA: Lake Washington

District PTA:
Region PTA: 2
State PTA: WA
State PTA ID #: 0 2 - 0 8 - 0 4 3
Member Dues Paid Date (most recent): 9-1-24
Insurance Paid Date: 11-2023
Bylaws Approval Date: 9-13-24




 Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Reflections Art Competition School-level Winners from Rosa Parks!



Music Composition: "Sound touch and Sound Sticks" by Liam V.

LWPTSA Award of Merit (Intermediate Level Grades 3-5, Accessible Division)

Advancing to State Level

I am experiencing with drums and sound bowl. I like to use my hands and the sticks. it’s not perfect. this is a work in progress. I like to discover sounds and beats. it helps me calm. my journey in special education helps me create and accept mine and my friends not so perfect ways. this is the sound of all of us accepting our imperfections. and self-acceptance. 





Literature: "Me and Rainbow" by Krithanya B.

My toy rainbow (elephant) has lost one eye and dirty, it's my favorite. My teeth are not white, some are silver color they shine when I smile. I love them. 





Literature: "Fairy that can't fly" by Akshara S.

The story fairy that can't fly is about a dolphin fairy that can't fly. But when she meets Ally the dolphin her problem is solved. This story is inspired by other books like Rainbow Magic, Fairy with No Tail, and Candy Fairies, Taffy Trouble. The message in the story is with friends by your side don't worry about imperfection. 





Dance Choreography: "The Imperfect Girl" by Madeline S.

This lyrical dance relates to the theme because in the beginning the dancer is sad that she has worked really hard in her life, and no one has told her she has succeeded. Then she’s frustrated at herself, thinking that she hasn’t satisfied others around her. During the song’s chorus, she realizes that she’s enough for herself and won’t worry about what others think about her. I chose “I’ll Wait” as my song because others can think of you as imperfect, but you can be perfect for yourself and don’t need to wait around for what others think of you! 





Visual Arts: "The Bright Side of Imperfection" by Bhavana K.

LWPTSA Award of Merit (Primary Level Grades K-2)

The pot is supposed to have only pink tulips, but one orange tulip grew in the same pot, and now the pot stands out. That's how I showed accepting imperfection. 




Visual Arts: "Me and Rainbow" by Krithanya B.


My toy rainbow (elephant) has lost one eye, still it's my favorite. My teeth are not white, my dentist put on superhero cape to fight cavity. They shine when I smile. I love them. 




Visual Arts: "Lucy's Best Hairstyle Ever" by Naisha S.

LWPTSA Award of Excellence (Primary Level Grades K-2)

Advancing to State Level

I made a comic strip inspired by my own life. The comic strip is an example of accepting imperfection, as Lucy makes a mistake with her hairstyle, but she does not get frustrated with it. Instead, she works with it and makes the best hairstyle ever. 




Visual Arts: "Girl with Prosthetic leg running on Track" by Arya A.

The girl in my art doesn't have 1 leg. She decided to accept her imperfections and overcome it by using prosthetic leg to run and play 




Visual Arts: "The Crow girl and the Swans" by Ancy G.

The crow is a representation of myself. The black feathers signify my black hair and dark skin. I know I look different because I came from the Philippines, but I am proud. The white swans in the picture are my friends who love and accept me. 




Visual Arts: "We All make Mistakes" by Naisha K.

Have you ever wondered that you always mess up, other people are better than you and they make no mistakes. It is natural to make mistakes, we are not perfect, we can't get anything just like that, we need to try no matter how long it takes Important humans like Martin Luther Junior made mistakes too, if he was ashamed then would have not lived to his legend. We need to learn from our mistakes, be happy with who we are. If someone makes a mistake, be kind, who knows you might be the next important person in our world! 




Visual Arts: "Perfection is Perception" by Pramati T.

In my opinion, perfection is just a perception. We can perceive things to be ugly or imperfect, but the same thing can be pretty or perfect. We should keep our minds open to new things and make our world a beautiful place. 







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Rosa Parks Sustainability Team works on a range of issues, including food recovery, waste reduction, composting, green cleaning, no-idle zones, herbicide-free school, and engaging and supporting students in their efforts to combat climate change and create a livable planet.

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National Reading Month

 March is National Reading Month, celebrate with us!

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