In April we celebrated Earth Week! It was a great time to revisit many aspects of how to take care of the earth and finding new uses for old things. Here is a recap of the week!





Also, a huge congratulations to our Sustainability Slogan/Graphic Contest winners:


Primary Level (K-2 ) “Less Paper = More Nature”, Adarsh B. 1st Grade

Intermediate Level (3-5) “Waste has potential to become Life”, Mouktika T. 5th Grade





With the help of Mrs. Sikora, some kindergarten and first-grade students planted herbs and vegetables to make a “pizza garden” in the school “pea patch.” 


Corporate Matching!

Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.

Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.

For information on other companies, go here