Communicate, Prepare, Show Up and Have FUN!
● Bring your positivity, patience, teamwork, excitement and creativity
● Communication is key. Stick to your commitment. Your team is counting on you!
- If you must cancel on a commitment, give as much notice as possible so that the others can adjust accordingly.
● Leave the room as clean or cleaner than when you left it.
- We are all busy. We are all volunteers.
● All projects must be practiced by volunteers beforehand (lead especially).
- Have your own kids try it out so you learn any challenges ahead of time!
● If using Rotating Leads, please assign leads in advance for each Art Smart date.
- A Signup Genius is a helpful tool for organizing and accountability.
● Project choice lies in the hands of the lead docent, but collaboration is always encouraged.
● Materials verified & prepared in time for each lesson (delegate: ask your team for help).
- ALWAYS check at least a few days ahead of time to make sure we have all of the needed supplies. If not, you still have time to contact the ArtSmart chair to get the supplies or find a new project to do.
● Remove finished projects from the art room and put on bulletin board within 3 days.
● Hang your bulletin board.
● Keep in mind each student will need to have art represented on Art Night.
- There are many methods to selecting the art. Volunteers may choose one project for the entire class, or allow students to choose with an artist statement, or align a monthly lesson with Art Night etc.
You must figure out where to store the art throughout the year. Creating Art Portfolios for each student is a great way to store art for each student.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
Corporate Matching!
Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched. https://microsoft.benevity.org/
For information on other companies, go here