second GRADE objectives

  • Color -  Identify primary & secondary colors in environment. Produce and use secondary, warm & cool colors.

  • LineUse a variety and quality of line. Use line to demonstrate emotion.

  • Shape - Produce organic, geometric & free form shape. 2D & 3D shapes, positive & negative shapes.

  • Texture - Describe & create actual texture; produce in 3 dimensional medium.

  • Space Use spacial devices to create illusion of foreground, middleground, background, overlap & size.

  • Value - Create value scales; black, white, intermediate shades of grey. Create monochromatic value scale.



Fall Leaf Suncatcher



Monet, Waterlilies

Tempura paint, painted paper, texture supplies 






Friedrich, Tree with Crows

Tempera paint


--Friedrich Lesson Plan
--Friedrich Slides

--Friedrich Old Slides






--Toyoharu Lesson Plan






Wayne Thiebaud, Cakes

--Painted Cakes Lesson Plan






Lorrain, Brook and Two Bridges

--Lorrain Lesson Plan

--Lorrain Slides

--Video: Drawing Perspective

--Video: Beginning Drawing Perspective







Reflections Watercolor Resist 

--Reflections Slides

--Reflections Lesson Plan

--Video resource for lesson





Marc Chagall, 
I and the Village

--Chagall Lesson Plan

--Chagall Slides






Foil Printmaking

--Foil printmaking lesson









Self Portraits

--DSS Self Portaits


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Full Calendar


Corporate Matching!

Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.

Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.

For information on other companies, go here