• Color - Identify primary, produce secondary and identify warm and cool colors. 

  • Line - Identify and use a variety of types of lines.

  • ShapeIdentify and make 5 basic shapes and organic shapes.

  • TextureAs the feel of things. Use one element to create pattern through repetition.

  • Space Use and create composition with the understanding of space

  • ValueIdentify light, medium and dark values.


Mouse Paint Sample.JPG

Mouse Paint

Book-based lesson where students learn to mix primary colors



Adire Eleko Cloth, Yoruba People

Crayon/Pastel resist with Ink





Gauguin, Women of Tahiti 

Construction paper, pencil


--Gauguin Lesson Plan
--Gauguin Slides

--Gauguin Portfolio Description





Franz Marc, Two Cats

Precut paper shapes & glue


--Franz Marc Lesson Plan

--Franz Marc Slides

--Franz Marc Portfolio Description






Mary Blair, Abstract Art

Oil pastel resist & paper collage


--Mary Blair Lesson Plan 





Recycled Tropical Fish

Paint project covering shapes, colors and patterns


--Fish Lesson Plan




Shape Robots

Cutting and gluing skills, shapes


--Shape Robot Lesson Plan






Andy Warhol inspired handprints

--Lesson Plan






Skyscrapers & Skylines

--Skyscrapers Lesson





Planet Collage

--Planet Lesson

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Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.

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