• Color -  Use primary, produce secondary and identify warm and cool colors.

  • Line -  Use line to demonstrate emotion.

  • ShapeUse and produce geometric & organic shapes; 2 dimensional shapes & 3 dimensional form.

  • TextureVisual texture in 2 dimensional artwork & Surface texture in 3 dimensional medium.

  • Space Identify and create composition with understanding of space.

  • Value -  Differentiates implied vs actual texture.




Leaf Design Watercolor Resist


DaVinci, Mona Lisa

Colored Pencil Portrait


Van Gogh,
Starry Night

Crayons/pastels, scissors, tempera


--Van Gogh Lesson Plan
--Van Gogh Slides

--Van Gogh Bulletin Board Sign

--Starry Night Interactive Animation








Henri Matisse, Beasts of the Sea


--Matisse Lesson Plan & Slides

--VIDEO - Matisse Collage: The Vorpal Arrow Way

--Matisse Portfolio Description








Kandinsky, Lines of Marks

--Kandinsky Lesson Plan

--Kandinsky Slides









Symmetry Butterflies 

--Symmetry Butterflies Slides

--Symmetry Worksheet








Torn Paper Birds

--Owl Lesson

--Penguin Lesson













Cat Tale

Painted paper/Cut shape


--DSS Cat Tale Lesson










Collagraph Printmaking

--DSS Collagraph Printmaking Lesson

--Video of similar project







Gingerbread Architecture

--Lesson Plan





Claude Monet, Lily Pads and Frogs

--Monet Lesson Plan










Royal Self Portraits

Multiple part lesson (could be adapted into a shorter lesson)

--Cassie Stevens Video Tutorial




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Full Calendar


Corporate Matching!

Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.

Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.

For information on other companies, go here