fifth grade objectives

  • Color -  Mixes and uses secondary, warm & cool colors. identify and produce intermediate colors.

  • LineUse a variety of line types and qualities to create detail and demonstrate emotions.

  • Shape - Identify & use 2D & 3D forms. Produces the illusion of 3D form on a 2D surface. Determine positive & negative shapes and forms share edges.

  • TextureProduce visual/implied textures in artwork. Produce actual textures in 3D artwork.

  • SpaceUse spatial devices to create illusion of foreground, middleground, background, horizon, overlap, detail, placement and color. Positive & negative space.

  • ValueCreate artwork with a minimum of 5 values. Use value with other art elements to create texture, space.






Georgia O'Keeffe


Birch Trees, Tape Resist Watercolor 

--Birch Tree Lesson

--Birch Tree Additional Lesson

--Video Tutorial #1

--Video Tutorial #2



Copper Foil Repousse

--Copper Foil Repousse Lesson

--Video (free hand)

--Video (tracing design)


Copper Foil Sugar Skull  

--Copper Foil Sugar Skull Lesson





Matisse, Interior with Eggplant 



--Matisse Lesson
--Matisse Slides







Jackson Pollock

Abstract Expressionism


--Pollock Lesson

--Pollock Slides






Mexican Folk Art Guitars

--Mexican Folk Art Lesson 





Georges Seurat,
Sunday in the Park


 --Seurat Slides

--Q-tip Pointillism Video

--Old Seurat Lesson





Draw the other half: Animal Faces

--Draw the other half lesson

--Animal Faces for printing

--Bulletin Board sign







Social Commentary Art

--Social Activism in Art part 1

--Social Activism in Art part 2

--Basic rights poster

--Inspirational examples

--Mind Map Design Ideas







Louise Nevelson, The Original Recycler

--Nevelson Slides

--Nevelson Lesson

--Nevelson Alternate Lesson

--Bulletin Board Sign

Upcoming Events

Full Calendar


Corporate Matching!

Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.

Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.

For information on other companies, go here